Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Dear Diary Day... Or "Dear Blog Day". :)

Today, I had a dream about going on a date with a guy who I didn't really know. I don't remember him well enough to recognize him.. But I must have seen him somewhere in real life, if it's true that you only dream about people you've seen before... Anyway, it was a good dream. I went on a date with this guy, who I think was blonde, and I want to say his name was Michael because that name's been stuck in my brain for a while, not sure why... But I don't remember much about the guy. I do remember we went on a date. Then we were at his house and I left to change or something.. Then I was coming back to watch movies with  him and his friend, who I think also had a date. The main thing I remember about the dream, was that I really liked the guy, almost like he was "the one", and when I woke up I was depressed because it was such a good dream. That's the down side to good dreams... waking up. :P But yeah, I wanted to remember that. So I put it on the blog.

There's not much to tell... For anyone who doesn't know, I have a job at MediConnect... That's all I'm putting because anyone who reads this probably is already aware of that...

So, I don't know if I'm just super lonely or if I might have depression... But tonight has been hard, being home alone again for two nights in a row.. Tonight had more crying than last night... I don't see anyone but my family during the week, and even then I only see them an hour or so before work, and then at night, before they go to bed... I only see my friends on the weekend, when I'm lucky.. I like having a job and making money, but I really miss seeing people besides my coworkers.. I miss my friends.. a lot.. If you're reading this, you're probably one of the friends I've been missing.. Sigh... I don't know if anyone is reading this, but I'm not posting this so you'll feel sorry for me. I just need to let my feelings out and Twitter has a character limit. Hah.. I'm sorry if reading this upsets anyone. Just so you know.

You know how listening to certain music can affect your mood? Well right now it's making me want to cry a little.. But I don't have any tears left in me.. This is a very depressing post. I'm sorry.

On a lighter note, I was heating up nacho sauce and it sounded like something exploded.. So I'm going to make sure nothing did.

Hope this brightens at least one person's day.

TFR! (Thanks for reading)
