Sunday, August 29, 2010

Driving with Duffy

(Fabulous parking job by Justin Cook)

So, I went on my first "drive" or "road" for driver's ed. That's when you drive on the road with your driver's ed teacher. I've been slacking. :P So, it was my first drive. I had my good friend, Justin Cook, come with me for support. He's "tight" with Duffy. That made it easy for me to focus on driving and not worry so much about talking to Duffy. I did better on the drive than I thought I would. The person who drove after me didn't do so great. I didn't feel as bad. :P But the last person to drive did a pretty good job. He got a lot of props from Duffy. Then I felt a little bad. I think I did great other than the fact that I drove too slow. Duffy said I drove like a grandma. I was getting plenty of cracks for that. So, I just need to remember to drive at least the speed limit. Duffy was getting at me for going under the speed limit... :P Overall, I did a good job. I learned some new driving tips. That's always good.
Anywho, that's all I have to say about that. Keep reading my blog! Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Well sounds like you did pretty good :) Keep us updated
