Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mads, Choir and Joy

Today is the first day all week that I haven't gone to the school to work. The choir officers were asked to come help decorate the choir room. So, since Monday, I've been at the school every morning from around 9 or so to 1. It's been pretty fun... and kind of scary. We've had some injuries. Blade hurt his toe and then lost his toe nail, leaving a trail of blood in the choir room... Then I was lucky enough to be gone during another injury. Davis had a drawer fall on his head and was taken to the ER, I think... Justin and I were out buying pizza for everyone when it happened. So, I guess that's why they were gone. :P But the pizza was yummy :)

The fun parts of being at the school were much better than the scary ones. It was cool to see my locker, which I don't have to share! :) It's literally directly in front of the choir room doors, next to Justin's and someone else's... Probably Morgan's. I'm excited to decorate my locker. I'm thinking I'll put pictures of my boy in there, and then at least one temple and one of Christ. I need to find some more picture frames... and pictures...
Anywho, decorating the choir room has been pretty cool but tiring. We had to trace musical notes and then cut them out. We had to trace and cut out over 100 of them. Try doing that for 3 hours straight. Your hand, will cramp. Trust me.
One of the cool things we did at the school was make our Madrigal poster. It looks SO cool. Here's a picture of it...
Angry Mads.the Madrigal poster.
So, this year, we're putting Angry Birds birds on our Mad hats, which is awesome. The girls are going to pick the birds for our couples. Jace and I decided yellow would be cool. Although, I'm sure we'll love whatever bird we get. =) 
Another cool thing about being a Madrigal, is that not only do we get our own lockers, we don't have to share folders! So awesome! I'm so excited!!!!

Well, that's about all that's on my mind currently... But I'll probably post more soon. Thanks for reading :)

P.S. I love you Calvin. :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Hello people.
So, in case you didn't know this... I. LOVE. Rain. It is one of my favorite things. Next to, you know, other special people... :)

(I inserted a bunch of kissing rain pictures.)

Anywho, it was pouring rain earlier. I was standing by my back door, watching the rain from inside, and I thought "This is perfect kissing rain." as I watched it come down on my patio. Unfortunately, my boy was at football practice, probably getting wet from the rain at his school. So, since I had no boy to kiss and my sister was the only one home, I decided to take a different route...

One of my "dreams", if you will, was to "shower" outside in the pouring rain. It hasn't rained hard enough for me to do that for a long time. Luckily, today, was a good rain day. It poured for a good 30 minutes, I'd say. So, since I didn't know how long the rain would keep, I ran downstairs and changed into my swimsuit. I checked to see if I could still hear it raining and I could. I was quite happy about that. I went back upstairs and grabbed some shampoo and conditioner. Then I went outside in the pouring rain and washed my hair. :) It was pretty awesome. I've always wanted to do that.

So, other than "showering" in the rain, another thing I want to do is kiss someone in the rain. I've done it once and it was pretty awesome. Not gonna lie. But a certain someone I know has yet to experience the awesomeness. So, I hope it rains on Friday or Saturday... Preferably later on in the day... :)

Well, now that you know about my rain stories, I think I shall end this bloggery. Thanks to everyone who reads this. I know at least one person does. Hopefully, more people do. If not, that's fine with me.

Farewell. Have a great day! :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fear and Fireworks.

Fireworks. Almost had a panic attack walking home from the rodeo because there were so many fireworks. And they were EVERYWHERE. It's like being surrounded by gunshots, which also scare me. I don't like loud noises... Or super crowded and cramped spaces, like stores with big sales where you can hardly push your cart anywhere... I'm just kind of a freak. I'm scared of a lot of things. Sorry to whoever has to put up with that.

Pretty random fireworks
On the bright side, at least they're pretty... But I'm still scared of them.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Can't Get You Off My Mind

So, I just wanted to tell a certain someone how amazing they are. And that person knows who they are, hopefully. So, here it goes. Sweetheart, you are so amazing. I don't know how I would live without you in my life. You really are my best friend and there's nobody I'd rather be with than you. You're the most amazing guy in the world...

It's amazing how one person can change your life so much.. and how because of them, you can look at yourself and feel beautiful despite all your flaws.. and feel like the happiest person in the world, because they love you.

To close this blog post, I wanted to put a song that I think kind of describes our relationship in a way...

Click here!

I love you so much. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Facebook and thoughts....

Facebook is a wonderful place and a great way for people to stay connected.. Unfortunately, some people are jerks and abuse Facebook's magical powers. Some people like to hack into other people's accounts and write on their statuses... NOT COOL. To explain my slight anger, there was a post from a girl who is having issues with her ex-boyfriend. They aren't getting along. I read the post and thought "That girl must be crazy to write something like that and put her ex-boyfriend's name in it...". I read the other two posts that were identical but posted in different places. Then I read the comments and realized that it was her ex-boyfriend. He hacked into her account and posted that. Not only is that totally illegal and a total invasion of privacy, but that is totally stupid and if he had wanted her back at all, he pretty much just ruined any chance of that. So guys, and possibly girls, don't be stupid. Don't hack into your ex's Facebook account or any other account and post demeaning things about them to make it look like they did it. It's rude. It's stupid. It's not legal. Knock it off.
(I'm pretty sure none of you who read this and use Facebook, have ever done this, but someone did and I would've posted it on Facebook but I didn't want certain people to somehow read it and be mad at me.)

Also, on a different note, today was the second to last official day of school. It was pretty much just a yearbook signing day. It was pretty fun though. I'll have to read through all my signatures soon. Anywho, as of today, I'm officially a senior and a Madrigal... OMG! :)

OH! Choir banquet was last Saturday. I wore a black dress and looked beautimous. :) I was running for office and I am now an Alto Section Leader. YAYAYAY! Also, I won the award for "Least Likely to Win an Award". Go me. :)

This is Dylan aka the person I'm trying to further impress. :)
I couldn't find a banquet picture so I just used this random pic of Dylan.
Well, time to go play video games and get better so certain people are further impressed. ;) Posting more later. Thanks for reading! I love you all lots! :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Joyness. Joyness. and more Joyness.

So, I realized that I haven't posted in a while. (Thank you, Calvin.) So, tonight I am posting some updates on my life.

My post-concert cake to congratulate me on making Mads

I don't think I posted this I MADE MADRIGALS!!!!! MADS 2011-2012 BABY! :) Also, we picked out dresses for the "Madrigirls". We're picking out shirts for the guys soon. I hope.

Me in my Madrigal dress

School's almost over, as all of you probably know. I've been struggling to keep up my grades, but I think I can get a 3.0 by the end of the year. Pray for me. Wish me luck.

Hmm... I babysat a fake baby not too long ago. It was interesting. I think I could be a teenage mom if I had to but there's no way I would do it of my own free will. I missed my baby after I gave it away, though. I was really depressed the night before because I thought the baby turned off already. But now it's gone.

Um... I have recently noticed that I have several guy's jackets in my custody. :) I have Dylan's blue jacket, currently. I still have Justin's jacket that I need to return. I returned Calvin's hoodie last week, because now it's too hot to wear a hoodie. Speaking of which, the weather in Utah is SO BIPOLAR!

Oh, my best friend Calvin, went to Disneyland and brought me back a present. LOOK HOW CUTE AND AWESOME IT IS!!!!


Well, it's getting late and I still have stuff to do. I will post more later. Peace!

P.S. I love you guys! Thanks for reading this blog. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Many a Word...

Okay. So, it is almost Easter. Woot! Anywho, I have a lot to say, today. Hopefully, I will remember it all.

First of all. Has anybody read Mockingjay? I'd like to get some people together and act out a scene from the book. It's for an oral report in English. Let me know if you're interested. It has to be done by May 5. Thanks! More details to come, if you're interested. Also, if you're acting in it, you can help me choose which scene to act out.
This is Mockingjay, the 4th and last book in the Hunger Games series.

Random thought: Glee does a fabulous version of "Baby" by Justin Bieber.

So, I don't think anybody who reads this blog goes to West Jordan High, but if you are one of the few who do, if there by any of you, please help me out. We're required to audition again for Concert Choir this year. For auditions, you're required to not only audition yourself, but to recruit someone else to try out with you, that's where the WJHS people come in. I've found a boy who will try out for me but I don't think he's very serious about it. So, he's kind of like my back up plan if I don't find anyone else. Also, to anyone who has heard me sing, any ideas on what to sing for my 1 minute solo? I sang a hymn for Belles Voix, my first year. Didn't have to sing last year. I sang "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" for Madrigal auditions this year... Now what do I sing?

I was in Chemistry today and I was writing down the notes and what not... And I really need a tutor....

Well, it's my bedtime. (I finished this really late.) Good night!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pet Peeves.

After reading Jarom's post, I wanted to rant about some of my own pet peeves...

One thing, that my family can attest to, is bodily noises. I despise them. I don't know why. They just irk me. When my mom sneezes, it drives me nuts. I know she can't help it but I can't help it either. Or when someone swallows something really loud or swallows spit or something, it just drives me crazy. Although, burping and passing gas doesn't bother me quite as much... Anywho, bodily noises are one of my pet peeves.

Another thing that bugs me is people who are idiots. I don't mean people who aren't on the honor roll every quarter or people who aren't as educated as you people in the IB (IV?) program at Hillcrest. I mean people, who are just stupid to be stupid. I understand when it's people who really don't know how to do an assignment or don't know what a certain word means... but some people are just idiots. Like, in seminary, there's  a boy who was saying that "cheating helps you in life" and "cheating got so-and-so far in life" and dumb stuff like that. No, cheating is not helpful and you are not helping your friends by letting them cheat off you. I know he knows that. Everyone knows that. He's just saying it so he can disagree with the teacher and make his stupid friends laugh at him. That boy in particular drives me nuts!

Another pet peeve I have, is swearing. I don't know if I've ranted about it on here or just Facebook... but I don't like swearing. It sounds totally stupid and makes you sound uneducated. In English, we're reading "Death of a Salesman", which requires certain people to swear. They're not allowed to change the words. I can see why she would do it like that, her being the type of teacher she is, but still... And I'm so sick of hearing curse words all throughout the hallways at school. I'd like to escape that for a time by going to seminary. OF ALL PLACES! The kid referred to in the paragraph above ^ is consequentially, the boy who swears in class, in SEMINARY! Ugh. I can't stand it....

Funny picture to remind you all that I love you. ;)
Well, there's my rant for now. I might rant more later. And to anyone who reads this, if it applies to you, I still love you. I do love you all, I just have weird pet peeves. Thanks for being my friends, nonetheless! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools!! :)

Me:"Mom, I can't go to Grouse Creek. Madrigal auditions are today." Mom:What? What time are tryouts? "3 to 7" Mom:Call me when you can please *I call her and she doesn't respond* *she calls me and I miss it* *she leaves long voice mail telling me to do well and asking about Grouse Creek* *I call her back* Mom:I'm on the phone with someone. "I just have a real quick message" Mom:Okay. What is it? "APRIL FOOLS!" *hangup* :)

(the words in the " " ^ are me speaking, just fyi.)

My sweet mom... :)
Later, when I was in class, she texted me "You are a stink". I said "Love you mom :)". She said "love you too... stinker *upset smiley face*". :) I'm gonna get it when she gets home.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today I asked myself and a couple other people, "Why am I so like-able?". I found out that the guy who took me to prom, likes me. Some people would rejoice at knowing that someone likes them. I normally do. The problem is, there aren't many guys that I like. I only know of one mutual "liking" and that guy is amazing... But I feel bad that there's other people who like me. I don't mean to sound conceited or full of myself or something, because I'm not. I just wonder why I'm so like-able to people. I think it's because I'm too nice... Maybe not too nice... but more nice than most people. My mom says "It's because I give people the time of day" or something. I can see why she would say that. I've always tried to be that person who includes people and doesn't leave people out. That's partly why I say yes to every guy who asks me to dance at region dances. It's usually just the people in my group, but I don't usually turn anyone down, unless I have a good reason. Anyway...

I'm kind of glad that I'm not "hot" in the eyes of most people. I don't really fit in with the "popular" people, mainly for that reason. I think I have a pretty good personality, which is why most people like me. So, if I was "hot", then I'd have popular people liking me, and I prefer the nerds. ;)

So, that's just my little rant of the day... Farewell.

Cute picture with a cute poem

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Random Things...

So, I was thinking randomly, as usual, today. I realized that I am a person who doesn't talk about herself very much. It's not so much because I don't want to or don't enjoy talking about myself, but it's more because I tend to ask people about how they're doing. Most of the time, I only talk about myself when someone else asks me directly. It's not really a bad thing... unless you're having one of those days where you're going crazy and just have to tell someone!!!.... Good thing it's not one of those days. :) *short pause*...Onto other things...

Week panned out so far...
Saturday - PROM!!!
Friday - Party!!
Every day before then - cleaning, reading, chores, hair experiments, and music! :)

That's all for now. :)

Possible idea for prom hair

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Total. Fail.

I took my driving test today.... You can probably guess what happened just by reading the title. I failed my test. The one thing I worried about most was parallel parking. Consequently, that's the one thing I did perfectly. I forgot how to park uphill and downhill. I almost hit a car, the teacher had to hit the brakes. Then I hit the curb when I was doing a three-point turn or something. Hitting the curb and having the teacher step on the brakes are two things that count as automatic fails. Lucky me. :P So, I will be practicing much more before I take that test again. I will also probably be renewing my permit soon. It expires March 25th, 2011, the day before prom. I don't need it for prom but I do need it to continue driving. :P Well, that's all for now. I haven't really enjoyed talking about my failure so much today but now more people can just check my blog. So, peace out!

Random image of a steamy corn bubble thing, hopefully it will distract you. ;)

Thanks to those of you who stay updated! And to those who don't, that's okay. My life isn't super entertaining, I do realize. But I love you all! Updates soon!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Boys, Toys and Joys

I have come to tell you all of my shocking news.... I, Kat Faragher, am attempting to follow in the ways of Sam Boldrin, and swear off "liking" boys until college, or after my mission, if I go on one. It would just make high school so much less dramatic, you know? Sam's kind of having off and on weeks. She likes a boy one week and doesn't the next week, which is pretty normal... So, I might have to resolve to that. Well, wish me luck! I'm already doing a bad job of it... but we'll see how well I do the rest of this month.

Me being scandalous on a hippo. Just to make you laugh at my weirdness. :)

I have a friend named Blade Maughan. He has an uber cute squeaky toy frog. Oh, I wish I had a picture of it... Anyway, Blade likes to bring his squeaky toy frog to ASL class and other places. He has learned how to control me with it. I find something enticing about the uber cute noise it makes when it squeaks. It makes me smile. :) But it also immediately distracts me from whatever I'm doing. If Blade holds the frog in front of me, I'll stare at it after it squeaks. Then Blade (or whoever happens to have the frog, or the want to tickle me..) will attempt to poke my tummy and tickle me. (If you've ever tickled me, you've probably commented on the cuteness of my reaction. [It's a weird but apparently cute noise.] I do a lot of cute things, I guess... At least some people say so..) So, Blade controls me with that frog. By the way, the frog's unofficial name is "Frogbert", until further notice. :)

It looks almost exactly like this frog.

I made a tuna sandwich today. I've been craving one for a while. It was yummy. :) Also, I'm taking my final driving test tomorrow! AAAH!! Wish me luck!... I'm having my hair cut today. It's just a trim, but I'll be able to wear my bangs down for prom. And I'll be able to see! Yay! Speaking of prom... I'M GOING TO PROM!!! I'm going with a friend from school/my ward, Justin Montgomery. It's gonna be a blast! :)

Me in my PROM dress! :)

Well, that's all for now. Keeping you posted. "Tote zines, Elder!" :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Solo and Ensemble

Last week was "school solo and ensemble" at WJHS. I sang a solo to increase my chances of becoming a Madrigal next year. I think I sang the song pretty well. My legs were really shaky though. My score was a 2+, which for anyone who doesn't know, is good. The scoring ranges form 1+ (perfect) to 5 (downright awful). If you're given a 1+, 1- or 1, you qualify for state/region. If you receive a 2+ or lower, you don't qualify but your grade for school (at least at my school) is the same as your score. So my grade in choir for 3rd quarter will be about a B+. The solo I chose to sing is called "If No One Ever Marries Me", lyrics found below. Link in the title if you want to see a girl named Kissa Mercado sing it. She sings it higher than I did.

If No One Ever Marries Me:
"If no one ever marries me, and I don't see why they should
For nurse says I'm not pretty, and I'm seldom very good
If no one ever marries me, I shan't mind very much
I shall buy a squirrel in a cage, and a little rabbit hutch.
I shall have a cottage near a wood,and a pony all my own.
And a little lamb quite clean and tame, that I can take to town.
And when I'm getting really old, at 28 or 9.
I shall buy a little orphan girl and bring her up as mine.
If no one ever marries me, and I don't see why they should."

Me in Belles Voix (First choir picture I found)

So, that's that. Posting again soon. See ya! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Whoa. Long time, no blog.

Sorry I haven't posted in ages. I decided to start posting more, especially since I've been having so many "random discussions" in my head lately. I have a surprisingly large amount of things on my mind but I never seem to remember them when I come on the blog. So, I will be doing a better job of that. I know I've said that a lot but I think I really will this time. So, to whoever reads this, thanks for reading it still. :)

I used to try and find a picture to go with every blog post I do. So, I will continue that semi-tradition. Here!