Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Today I asked myself and a couple other people, "Why am I so like-able?". I found out that the guy who took me to prom, likes me. Some people would rejoice at knowing that someone likes them. I normally do. The problem is, there aren't many guys that I like. I only know of one mutual "liking" and that guy is amazing... But I feel bad that there's other people who like me. I don't mean to sound conceited or full of myself or something, because I'm not. I just wonder why I'm so like-able to people. I think it's because I'm too nice... Maybe not too nice... but more nice than most people. My mom says "It's because I give people the time of day" or something. I can see why she would say that. I've always tried to be that person who includes people and doesn't leave people out. That's partly why I say yes to every guy who asks me to dance at region dances. It's usually just the people in my group, but I don't usually turn anyone down, unless I have a good reason. Anyway...

I'm kind of glad that I'm not "hot" in the eyes of most people. I don't really fit in with the "popular" people, mainly for that reason. I think I have a pretty good personality, which is why most people like me. So, if I was "hot", then I'd have popular people liking me, and I prefer the nerds. ;)

So, that's just my little rant of the day... Farewell.

Cute picture with a cute poem

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