Sunday, July 8, 2012


Today, I had a scary dream about someone I used to hang out with, but am not so fond of anymore, which was weird.. Anyway, in the dream I was with my mom walking somewhere down the street,with Adam O'Reilly, and he kept hurting himself in some way, as we were walking down the street. It kept freaking me and my mom out. And at one point, he was bleeding, and had a big stick/stump thing stuck in his ankle. Then my mom said we had to drive him to the hospital, but he kept acting like nothing was wrong. I woke up before we drove anywhere. But it was really weird, considering I haven't seen him since right before school got out, and at that time, he was asking to date me, and I said no, and it didn't go very well.. It ended with him walking home, and my three best friends showing up to save me, just after he left. Thank goodness for them.

Speaking of best friends, I haven't introduced one of my newest and greatest best friends. His name is Sceili. Well, his full name is Van Halen Scott Sceili. He's one of the greatest friends I've ever had. He's sweet, funny, protective, loving, caring, fun and just overall a great best friend.

Halen :)
A while ago, I was hanging out with this best friend o' mine and we watched movies and talked and stuff. We had very open conversations and he shared a lot with me.. Not many people do that with me, that quickly. So I was very surprised when he did. But I really enjoyed that day, and the conversations we had. I felt close to him, even before that day, just through our texting, I felt really close to him, like we'd been friends a long time ago...

Halen n Me

One thing Halen always says, is that he doesn't like kids.. But he looks so cute with them. I don't know how he could not like them. I think it's because he's an only child. He's never been with many little kids, and he's not a woman, so no motherly instinct. That's my guess. But some people just don't like kids too, I guess.. Who knows?

 This is Halen with some little kids, who I think he's related to, but they're not his siblings.. Cousins maybe.

One of my struggles with Halen, is that I can't think of a good nickname for him. He calls me Roo, which is awesome, but I can't think of a good one for him. My first try was Ruff, but that felt weird... and I've been trying out Vee, but that hasn't clicked yet either.. I had the perfect one, Bear, but other people call him that, and we wanted our own special names for each other. My family calls him VHS sometimes.. That's the only one I can really use so far. So it's been hard thinking of one that fits him.

Well, I'm hungry. So I'm gonna go find food. I will probably post again later. But before I go...
Halen, if you're reading this, please know that I love you and that you're an amazing friend. Thank you for being there for me and being such an amazing person. Have a great day. Have fun in Oregon, if you're still there, at the time. Be safe. Love, Roo.

P.S. Thanks for reading my blog. :)

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