Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last Day O' Summmer

(Pretty awesome traffic sign!)

*GASP!* It's the last day of Summer Vacation!

 So, today was Sophomore Orientation at WJHS. I went with Justin and Sadee. Sadee is my younger sister. She's a squashmore this year. :) So, I went with her and ran through her classes to help her find them. It was fun stuff. Justin and I are sharing a locker this year.So, I put some nifty stuff in it while I was at the school. I also went and found all my classes. Let's hope I can remember where all of them are tomorrow.
After Orientation ended, we drove Sadee home and Justin and I went to his house. We watched a Bleach movie, hung out, and played Mario Kart. It was pretty awesome. It was a good way to end my Summer.
Tomorrow is the first day of school! I'm so excited! I just hope I remember where everything is. I was helping kids find their classes and I knew where two of them were by heart when the day was over. It helped that D-31 and D-36 were both in sight of where I was standing. Unfortunately, I forgot where the majority of the other places in school were other than the gym and the Seminary building. I'm such a smart Junior. :P
Anywho, I need to start getting to bed earlier. I have Early Morning Seminary starting  Monday. I'm going to end this first blog now. Tootles!

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