Sunday, February 20, 2011

Solo and Ensemble

Last week was "school solo and ensemble" at WJHS. I sang a solo to increase my chances of becoming a Madrigal next year. I think I sang the song pretty well. My legs were really shaky though. My score was a 2+, which for anyone who doesn't know, is good. The scoring ranges form 1+ (perfect) to 5 (downright awful). If you're given a 1+, 1- or 1, you qualify for state/region. If you receive a 2+ or lower, you don't qualify but your grade for school (at least at my school) is the same as your score. So my grade in choir for 3rd quarter will be about a B+. The solo I chose to sing is called "If No One Ever Marries Me", lyrics found below. Link in the title if you want to see a girl named Kissa Mercado sing it. She sings it higher than I did.

If No One Ever Marries Me:
"If no one ever marries me, and I don't see why they should
For nurse says I'm not pretty, and I'm seldom very good
If no one ever marries me, I shan't mind very much
I shall buy a squirrel in a cage, and a little rabbit hutch.
I shall have a cottage near a wood,and a pony all my own.
And a little lamb quite clean and tame, that I can take to town.
And when I'm getting really old, at 28 or 9.
I shall buy a little orphan girl and bring her up as mine.
If no one ever marries me, and I don't see why they should."

Me in Belles Voix (First choir picture I found)

So, that's that. Posting again soon. See ya! :)

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