Monday, April 4, 2011

Pet Peeves.

After reading Jarom's post, I wanted to rant about some of my own pet peeves...

One thing, that my family can attest to, is bodily noises. I despise them. I don't know why. They just irk me. When my mom sneezes, it drives me nuts. I know she can't help it but I can't help it either. Or when someone swallows something really loud or swallows spit or something, it just drives me crazy. Although, burping and passing gas doesn't bother me quite as much... Anywho, bodily noises are one of my pet peeves.

Another thing that bugs me is people who are idiots. I don't mean people who aren't on the honor roll every quarter or people who aren't as educated as you people in the IB (IV?) program at Hillcrest. I mean people, who are just stupid to be stupid. I understand when it's people who really don't know how to do an assignment or don't know what a certain word means... but some people are just idiots. Like, in seminary, there's  a boy who was saying that "cheating helps you in life" and "cheating got so-and-so far in life" and dumb stuff like that. No, cheating is not helpful and you are not helping your friends by letting them cheat off you. I know he knows that. Everyone knows that. He's just saying it so he can disagree with the teacher and make his stupid friends laugh at him. That boy in particular drives me nuts!

Another pet peeve I have, is swearing. I don't know if I've ranted about it on here or just Facebook... but I don't like swearing. It sounds totally stupid and makes you sound uneducated. In English, we're reading "Death of a Salesman", which requires certain people to swear. They're not allowed to change the words. I can see why she would do it like that, her being the type of teacher she is, but still... And I'm so sick of hearing curse words all throughout the hallways at school. I'd like to escape that for a time by going to seminary. OF ALL PLACES! The kid referred to in the paragraph above ^ is consequentially, the boy who swears in class, in SEMINARY! Ugh. I can't stand it....

Funny picture to remind you all that I love you. ;)
Well, there's my rant for now. I might rant more later. And to anyone who reads this, if it applies to you, I still love you. I do love you all, I just have weird pet peeves. Thanks for being my friends, nonetheless! :)

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