Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Many a Word...

Okay. So, it is almost Easter. Woot! Anywho, I have a lot to say, today. Hopefully, I will remember it all.

First of all. Has anybody read Mockingjay? I'd like to get some people together and act out a scene from the book. It's for an oral report in English. Let me know if you're interested. It has to be done by May 5. Thanks! More details to come, if you're interested. Also, if you're acting in it, you can help me choose which scene to act out.
This is Mockingjay, the 4th and last book in the Hunger Games series.

Random thought: Glee does a fabulous version of "Baby" by Justin Bieber.

So, I don't think anybody who reads this blog goes to West Jordan High, but if you are one of the few who do, if there by any of you, please help me out. We're required to audition again for Concert Choir this year. For auditions, you're required to not only audition yourself, but to recruit someone else to try out with you, that's where the WJHS people come in. I've found a boy who will try out for me but I don't think he's very serious about it. So, he's kind of like my back up plan if I don't find anyone else. Also, to anyone who has heard me sing, any ideas on what to sing for my 1 minute solo? I sang a hymn for Belles Voix, my first year. Didn't have to sing last year. I sang "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" for Madrigal auditions this year... Now what do I sing?

I was in Chemistry today and I was writing down the notes and what not... And I really need a tutor....

Well, it's my bedtime. (I finished this really late.) Good night!

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