Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mads, Choir and Joy

Today is the first day all week that I haven't gone to the school to work. The choir officers were asked to come help decorate the choir room. So, since Monday, I've been at the school every morning from around 9 or so to 1. It's been pretty fun... and kind of scary. We've had some injuries. Blade hurt his toe and then lost his toe nail, leaving a trail of blood in the choir room... Then I was lucky enough to be gone during another injury. Davis had a drawer fall on his head and was taken to the ER, I think... Justin and I were out buying pizza for everyone when it happened. So, I guess that's why they were gone. :P But the pizza was yummy :)

The fun parts of being at the school were much better than the scary ones. It was cool to see my locker, which I don't have to share! :) It's literally directly in front of the choir room doors, next to Justin's and someone else's... Probably Morgan's. I'm excited to decorate my locker. I'm thinking I'll put pictures of my boy in there, and then at least one temple and one of Christ. I need to find some more picture frames... and pictures...
Anywho, decorating the choir room has been pretty cool but tiring. We had to trace musical notes and then cut them out. We had to trace and cut out over 100 of them. Try doing that for 3 hours straight. Your hand, will cramp. Trust me.
One of the cool things we did at the school was make our Madrigal poster. It looks SO cool. Here's a picture of it...
Angry Mads.the Madrigal poster.
So, this year, we're putting Angry Birds birds on our Mad hats, which is awesome. The girls are going to pick the birds for our couples. Jace and I decided yellow would be cool. Although, I'm sure we'll love whatever bird we get. =) 
Another cool thing about being a Madrigal, is that not only do we get our own lockers, we don't have to share folders! So awesome! I'm so excited!!!!

Well, that's about all that's on my mind currently... But I'll probably post more soon. Thanks for reading :)

P.S. I love you Calvin. :)

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