Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dime For a Few Thoughts...?

Wow, it's 2012 now. That came fast. Well, nice knowing ya, now we're all gonna die. Just kidding. But a lot has happened this past year...

The longest relationship I've ever had ended. Justin and I broke up in February.

Then along came my dear friend, Calvin. :) But he also had to leave, in November.

Luckily, I'm still friends with both of these guys, because they're great. Right now, I am single. So, if there's any boys reading this... Take me on a date. ;) 
On another note, I am currently a senior and am nearly halfway through my senior year. It's crazy! Crazy Madrigal Christmas season is now over, which is sad but nice because I slept in a lot. I will miss dancing with Jace in our awesome suspender pajamas. He's great at waltzing, even though we almost never went a gig without bumping into someone because of the small space we had. I also stepped on his foot several times. I really hoped he didn't ever get hurt from me at our gigs.. But anyway, gigs were SO fun and amazing. I loved Christmas this year! It was the best ever, I think.

Random thought: Have you ever tried to talk with someone whether it be in person, or IM-ing, or texting, or a mixture of methods, and they just didn't seem to try to continue the conversation or ever reach out to you and try to talk to you? So you kind of just felt like giving up and not talking to them? I'm kind of getting there.

Another random thought: I've been looking for a good photo editing program. I've tried Picasa and befunky and I just downloaded PhotoScape, which is where the cool collages up there came from.

Before I forget, I've been thinking about some new year's resolutions, and one of them is to go on more dates with more guys. Going to LDS BC next year should help with that. :) Also, I'd like to read my scriptures more, go to the temple more, and get straight As at least once. We'll see how that goes.

Well, I am about 2 hours away from my iPod update finishing its download. I'm hoping the connection will be good and stay until it's done downloading.. I'm afraid to leave the computer though.. Either way, I can't think of anything else I want to say on this post. So, goodbye for now, and happy new year!

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