Sunday, July 29, 2012


Hmm... What to talk about today... Well, one of my friends from high school, who was also in Madrigals with me, had his farewell talk last Sunday. His name is CJ Madsen. He's a great kid. He's really nice. He's also super talented but most people who know him already know this.. So, anyway. I went to his farewell with his future wife, Sam Boldrin. :) She's one of my good friends, who was also in Mads with me. She and CJ are pretty much going to be married in the temple, in the future, as most everyone who knows both of them already knows from being at school with them. ;) You'd understand if you went to school with those two. So cute. :) So, during sacrament meeting, CJ gave a wonderful talk and also sang a beautiful song. It made me cry, which happens a lot when I hear powerful and spiritual music. And also when I see sad movies, or hear sad songs, or my friends are leaving, or you know pretty much all the time. I cry a lot. :P Anyway, the point of this paragraph thingy is that CJ and Sam are adorable, CJ's leaving on his mission soon, and I'm a crybaby. By the way, CJ is going to Raleigh, North Carolina, if I remember correctly, Spanish speaking. I think he leaves like this week or next week... Very soon.. We'll miss him.

CJ and Sam
CJ Madsen and Sam Boldrin <3

This was some of the Madrigals in pajamas.
Dylan, Justin, Me, CJ, Sam, and CJ's partner Carly

Last Friday, I think it was, aka last Saturday (it was like midnight or so), I was texting a good friend o' mine named Dylan Johnson. We met in high school, through choir/friends, I think. He was in Madrigals too. :) He was texting me over the weekend and asked if I was doing anything this week (next week at the time). I said "..not that I know of, why?". He responded and invited me to go up to Snowbird with his family for a day. They go up every year, he said. I was a little surprised, at first, when he asked me, because he and I didn't hang out very often, partly due to our confusing history.. but I love Dylan, and miss him due to school being out and not seeing him since like the last Madrigal gig, and I thought it would be fun to hang out with him again. So I said I'd love to. :) I asked him why he asked me and basically he said "I really wanna spend time with're an amazing person. and you're fun to be with..". I would've said yes anyway, but that really sealed the deal. ;) I'm not sure when I'll be going up there, or how I'll be getting up there, but I'm excited to go up there. :)

Me, Dylan, Justin, Maddie
Me, Dylan, Justin and Maddie

Me and Dylan
Me and Dylan (from left) and other people in Belles Voix/Take 10
Finally, before I go, I'll end with another Mad friend o' mine named Justin Cook. He and I have been best friends since around December of sophomore year. We have our friend-iversary on the 15th of each month. :) He and I are still friends. We still hang out together. Although, we've brought another girl into our mix. Her name is Maddie Cavanass. She is Justin's girlfriend and quite possibly his future fiance. ;) Those two are adorable. They started dating during choir tour of our senior year. That was a very interesting choir tour.. But anyway, us three have become best friends and have hung out together a lot. It's quite fun. We had game night at Maddie's recently, which was fun. I hope to see them again soon.

Justin and Maddie, Sam in the back

Justin, Maddie, Dylan, Me, and our friend Matt

That's all for now. More later. Love you all!

P.S. Thanks for reading my blog!

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